Agenda de Congresos, Simposios y Encuentros

A partir de este número, además de la información sobre congresos, jornadas y eventos de arteterapia, incluiremos aquellos específicos de otros lenguajes creativos.


1° al 4 de agosto

XX Congress International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes “Rising Tides of Challenge and Hope: Healing Identity, in Society, Groups and Individuals”

Malmö, Suecia

2 al 5 de agosto

Northern California Art Therapy Association’s (NorCATA) 16th Biennial Conference – Artistic Pollination: Community Art Promoting Social Resilience

Sonoma State University, Sonoma, California, USA

27 al 29 de septiembre

Buckeye Art Therapy Association – 37th Annual Symposium

Art Therapy and Clinical Neuroscience: Advancing Practice and Theory

Columbus, Ohio, USA

11 al 14 de octubre

13° Congresso Brasileiro de Arteterapia

Associação Catarinense de Arteterapia – Brasil

Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brasil

11 al 14 de octubre

Diversity within the Creative Arts Therapies

20th Nordic Art Therapies Conference

Hveragerdi – Islandia

11 al 14 de octubre

9th Annual Expressive Therapies Summit: New York

New York, USA

11 al 14 de octubre

American Dance Therapy Association 53nd Annual Conference

Bringing the Body and Creativity into Healing – The Art and Science of Dance/Movement Therapy

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

12 al 14 de octubre

The 39th annual Canadian Art Therapy Association Conference

Art Therapy: Mending what is broken between us

Montreal, Canada

25 al 28 de octubre

The North American Drama Therapy Association 39th Annual Conference

Beyond the Fourth Wall: Engaging Therapeutic Performance to Expand Our Impact on Communities

Kansas City, Missouri, USA

31 de octubre al 4 de noviembre

American Art Therapy Association’s 49th Annual Conference – Honoring Yesterday, Celebrating Today, Building for Tomorrow

Miami, Florida, USA

15 al 18 noviembre

“Music Therapy for a Growing World” 2018

Conference of the American Music Therapy Association

Dallas, Texas, USA


28 de febrero al 3 de marzo

The 13th IEATA Conference

RISE UP: the evolution and revolution of expressive arts

Doubletree Berkeley Marina – CA, USA