Agenda de Congresos, Simposios y Encuentros


10 al 12 de junio

Water & Stone CAT Conference 2022

Treating the Whole Person: How We Care for Our Clients and Ourselves

Varias locaciones en Manhattan, USA (en persona) y online vía Zoom

8 al 9 de julio

BAPT Conference 2022

Seeking Therapeutic Re-connection: Exploring Diversity Through Sensory and Embodiment Practice

Aston University, Aston Street, Birmingham, Gran Bretaña

22 al 23 de julio

50th Anniversary Celebration of Art Therapy at the University of Hertfordshire

Art Therapy at the University of Hertfordshire: A Potted History

Lindop Building, University of Hertfordshire, Gran Bretaña

30 al 31 de agosto

XVI International Conference on Music Therapy

Sidney, Australia

14 al 17 de septiembre

16th European Arts Therapies Conference

Memory – Shaping Connections in the Arts Therapies.

Vilnius University, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania

23 al 25 de septiembre

4th EADMT Conference

How far is far? How close is close. Choreographing a new world

Potsdam, Alemania

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